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01.05. - 31.12.2014

Arts Administration (Kunstfiliale)


Starting in 2005 arts administrations were formed in different neighbourhoods on the north side of Neukölln for networking artists and setting community projects in motion. In the neighbourhood Körnerkiez this arts administration office has had its home in the WerkStadt since 2010. Thus the WerkStadt is the central coordinating point in the area for artists and arts professionals. We are always open for new ideas for art actions and creative projects, and we work hard to offer solid logistics and support in their execution.

If you would like to come by with ideas or questions, please write a message to or make a short telephone call to the office (030-516 34 856), and we can set up an appointment.

Networking and Professional Development

As part of its tasks in 2013 and 2014, the Kunstfiliale is building and developing networks amongst artists and art scene contributors in the area, standing by with support for planning and executing community arts projects. The goal is to spread experience in marketing, sponsoring, fund-raising, and publicity to help artistic events consistently become a success. Our arts administration office also understands itself as a contact point and information centre, happy to help set up contact and get artists involved with the local art scene.


Quartiersmanagement Körnerpark
Soziale Stadt Logoleiste

Sina Ness

(030) 51 63 48 56

Allforart 01
E116 08
E116 03
Elke 03
Spielplatz 18
Kristina 15


In unserem Kunstraum finden kuratierte Ausstellungen statt.
Das Spektrum unseres Projektraums reicht dabei von Malerei über Fotografie hin zu Skulptur, Installation und Multimediakunst.


Jason M. Benedict, Janka Meyer, Raiko Sánchez


Im Projektbüro der WerkStadt wird nicht nur die Verwaltungsarbeit des Kulturvereins getätigt, hier laufen auch die Fäden all unserer Projekte zusammen. Sei es der kuratierte Kunstrundgang ArtGrain, sei es der KinderKulturMonat oder das Körnerkino – von hier aus werden die Projekte des WerkStadt Kulturvereins konzipiert, elaboriert und organisiert.

so viele Ordner . . .

Chris Benedict