Art Clinic 20.11.2019

ART CLINIC is a monthly exchange platform for emerging and professional visual artists of all mediums.
Our guests are:
Javiera González Zarzar
María Victoria Rodríguez
About the artists:
Javiera González Zarzar studied architecture in Santiago, Chile, and she is currently based in Berlin.
She is presenting her series “Measuring Time,” which is a collection of works using burlap and wool developed between June and September 2019. Her work uses the textile as a structure, experimenting with the sizes of the stitch, the net fabric, and gradient color to give a three-dimensional effect to the surface.
María Victoria Rodríguez is an Argentinian illustrator and 2D animator from Rosario, where she studied painting and animation earning a degree in Arts.
She currently lives in Berlin and is engaged in developing new projects influenced by her discoveries in the city.
In unserem Kunstraum finden kuratierte Ausstellungen statt.
Das Spektrum unseres Projektraums reicht dabei von Malerei über Fotografie hin zu Skulptur, Installation und Multimediakunst.
Jason M. Benedict, Janka Meyer, Raiko Sánchez
Seit unserer Gründung im Sommer 2008 in einer verlassenen Apotheke haben wir in der WerkStadt eine breite Palette an Veranstaltungen organisiert. Von Konzerten über Theateraufführungen über Poetry Slams und Silent Disco bis hin zu Lesungen und Filmabenden. Wir sind stets offen für neue Formate und bieten euch einen Raum für eure Ideen und Experimente und um ein vielseitiges Publikum anzusprechen.
Klara Müller