Art Clinic in April
ART CLINIC is a monthly exchange platform for emerging and professional visual artists of all mediums. It is a space where artists can present their work in an informal setting, which hopes to foster reflection and development of one's own practice through feedback, critique, and support.
the artists :
Aude François is multi-disciplinary artist living Berlin, working with performance, photography, sound and live video.
Her work oscillates between digital and analogue medium, combining original cross-border techniques between real-time video feedback and digital and acoustic sounds. She often uses overhead projectors, dia projectors, typewriters, clocks, that are amplified via micro-contact microphones, combined with acoustic and digital sounds.
She uses live cameras and pre-recorded video samples, sometimes combined with programing language such as pure data, seeking to develop a closer interaction between video and sound events. Fascinated by archaic imagery and mechanical objects, she also creates costumes and scenography, seeking to immerse the audience in a dream box, using her figure as a “persona” reenacting a forgotten memories inside a poetic journey.
Caroline Armand is a french artist living in Berlin. Her works unfold in three dimensions, and are based on her intensive study of interior spaces. In order to produce her site specific works, she takes a whole range of elements into account: The state of the building where the work will be shown, its architectural structure - e.g. the placement of windows and doors - as well as the history of the place.
Since 2004, Caroline Armand creates installations made out of cardboard, mostly bicycle packaging. During the work process a transition happens from two- to three-dimensionality, just as it does while tailoring clothes, where volume emerges from what was initially a geometrical surface. Since 2011, she also produces paper collages, exploring on the other hand the possibilities of generating spatial depth on a surface.
Before her studies of Fine Art in Saarbrücken, Germany, Caroline Armand worked for several years as a theater costume designer. A grant from the Academy of fine Arts, Berlin, made her move to Berlin in 2004. Since then, she regularly participates in shows, for which she produces site specific works. Caroline Armand is currently a member of the artist's network Frauenmuseum Berlin.
contact : artclinic@werkstadt-berlin.com
In unserem Kunstraum finden kuratierte Ausstellungen statt.
Das Spektrum unseres Projektraums reicht dabei von Malerei über Fotografie hin zu Skulptur, Installation und Multimediakunst.
Jason M. Benedict, Janka Meyer, Raiko Sánchez
Seit unserer Gründung im Sommer 2008 in einer verlassenen Apotheke haben wir in der WerkStadt eine breite Palette an Veranstaltungen organisiert. Von Konzerten über Theateraufführungen über Poetry Slams und Silent Disco bis hin zu Lesungen und Filmabenden. Wir sind stets offen für neue Formate und bieten euch einen Raum für eure Ideen und Experimente und um ein vielseitiges Publikum anzusprechen.
Klara Müller