22.06. - 12.08.2018
In Kooperation mit dem artburst berlin e.V.
Kunst als Neue Echtheit eines physikalischen Phänomens:
2015 wurde erstmals eine Gravitationswelle vom LIGO-Observatorium aufgenommen als Resultat einer Überlagerung zweier schwarzer Löcher. Dies beweist Einsteins Theorie, dass eine gewisse Menge an Energie das Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum überwindet. Die Utopie von Zeitreisen und Paralleluniversen wird nun greifbar.
Ephemeral Tomorrow transformiert die Open-Source Daten des LIGO in der immersiven Installation GW170817 SPECULUM. Ein Laser wird von einer vibrierenden Oberfläche reflektiert und von Sound begleitet. Speculum, lat. für Spiegel, ist außerdem der Wortstamm von spekulieren, ursprünglich „die Sterne ansehen“, sowie Spekulation, das Mutmaßen ohne gesicherte Beweise.
Über das Künstler*innenkollektiv Ephemeral Tomorrow:
Riccardo Torresi [IT], Maxime Lethelier [FR], Asako Fujimoto [JP]
Das Künstler*innenkollektiv Ephemeral Tomorrow arbeitet seit 2015 zusammen. Sie verbinden technisches Wissen und Astronomie mit puristisch-minimalistischer Ästhetik und setzen beides konzeptionell in ihren datenbasierten audiovisuellen Installationen um. Sie regen die Besucher*innen dazu an, die digitalisierte Realität in Frage zu stellen.
We kindly invite you to the opening of the solo show GW170817 SPECULUM on Friday, June 22nd 2018, starting at 7 pm at Emserstraße 124, 12051 Berlin-Neukölln.
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the 48 hours Neukölln Art Festival and in collaboration with the project space WerkStadt Kulturverein Berlin e.V. we will present the latest work by the artist collective Ephemeral Tomorrow. In relation to this year’s festival theme “Neue Echtheit”, referring to the issue of what is real, authentic and genuine. The artists have created an immersive installation to make the physical phenomenon of gravitational waves visible.
Art as a new degree of reality of a physical phenomenon: In 2015 LIGO observatories for the first time recorded gravitational waves travelling through space, created by the merge of two black holes. This proves, as predicted by Albert Einstein, that an important enough amount of energy can distort the space-time continuum, thus inducing the possibility of the existence of parallel universes or the utopia of time travelling.
With their immersive installation GW170817 SPECULUM, Ephemeral Tomorrow transforms the open source LIGO data by distorting a laser beam on a vibrational surface accompanied by a soundscape. Speculum, the latin word for mirror, is also the root of the verb speculate, which used to mean “looking at the stars”, as well as speculation, the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence. The installation seeks to investigate all of these aspects.
Ephemeral Tomorrow participated in our group show thank you for sharing (2017) with their workSatellarium II which soon became a highlight of the exhibition. By combining technology, science and aesthetics into an holistic spatial experience, their artistic installations leave lasting impressions on the viewers and encourage a profound reflection on the addressed topics.
The installation will be on view until August 12th, 2018.
Opening hours during 48h Neukölln:
Vernissage, Friday, 22nd June, 7 pm to 1 am
Saturday, 23rd June, 12 pm to 1 am
Sunday, 24th June, 12 pm to 7 pm
Other opening hours:
25th June to 12th August, Wednesday to Sunday, 7 pm to 1 am
About the artists Ephemeral Tomorrow
Riccardo Torresi [IT], Maxime Lethelier [FR], Asako Fujimoto [JP]
Ephemeral Tomorrow is an artist collective working together since 2015. They combine astronomical and technological knowledge with a clean and minimalistic aesthetic, through which they create highly conceptual art and site specific installations. They aim to encourage the viewers to challenge our high-tech reality.
copyright photo Laser Proto2: Maxime Lethelier
copyright other photos: Ephemeral Tomorrow
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