01.08. - 08.08.2014
Art Auction
A one week exhibition will begin on the 1st of August at 7:00pm to give viewers a chance to preview works.
On 08.08.08 the WerkStadt was first opened and the festivities, performances, and art auction will all coincide with the six year anniversary of the project here in Berlin.
Marcus Ahlers// Alice Baillaud // Jason Benedict // Yam Benyamini // Annette Blum // Pascal Brateau // Peder Claesson // Kay Hartmann // Ines Kotarac // Kodo Miura // Petra Nebatz // Sina Ness // Aurélie Pertusot // Stefanie Walk // Florian Weiss
Maria Ortese
In unserem Kunstraum finden kuratierte Ausstellungen statt.
Das Spektrum unseres Projektraums reicht dabei von Malerei über Fotografie hin zu Skulptur, Installation und Multimediakunst.
Jason M. Benedict, Janka Meyer, Raiko Sánchez