Art Clinic June 1.

ART CLINIC is a monthly exchange platform for emerging and professional visual artists of all mediums. It is a space where artists can present their work in an informal setting, which hopes to foster reflection and development of one's own practice through feedback, critique, and support.
the artists :
In his practical artistic approach, Benno Hinkes works with architectural installations. His earlier works where often installed directly into buildings and responded to their architectural surrounding. Later, his approach turned towards a more inclusive understanding of 'context', including a reaction not only to architectural, but also to institutional and social spaces. Lately, Hinkes focuses again on the possibilities that self-contained installations offer, that exist independently of their surrounding.
"My work is about reflection and perception, about the competition between two languages mediating complexity. One is the language of science. The other one is the language of art which has to understand science but doesn‘t want to become it. The idea of what good science is or should be, the images of science and scientificity, are difficult to grasp but no less significant for it."
Hypothetical Machines
Currently Karl Heinz Jeron is creating hypothetical machines. These could be motorized talking toys. They enact social media comments as a mean for creating identities.
Stefan Riebel (*1982) is a concepual artist living and working in Berlin and Leipzig. His works almost exclusively operate in series and focus on non-expressive ways to deal with information, statements and descriptions and furthermore try to develop interactive structures, processes and events.
contact : artclinic@outlook.fr
In unserem Kunstraum finden kuratierte Ausstellungen statt.
Das Spektrum unseres Projektraums reicht dabei von Malerei über Fotografie hin zu Skulptur, Installation und Multimediakunst.
Jason M. Benedict, Janka Meyer, Raiko Sánchez
Seit unserer Gründung im Sommer 2008 in einer verlassenen Apotheke haben wir in der WerkStadt eine breite Palette an Veranstaltungen organisiert. Von Konzerten über Theateraufführungen über Poetry Slams und Silent Disco bis hin zu Lesungen und Filmabenden. Wir sind stets offen für neue Formate und bieten euch einen Raum für eure Ideen und Experimente und um ein vielseitiges Publikum anzusprechen.
Klara Müller