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01.12. - 31.12.2013

Audioplay Spuk


With a group of 9-12-year-old school children we want to create and produce audio plays. The original sound recordings that are made ​​with the children in the  Körnerkiez will serve as a basis . The project aims to create a desire for articulation through language and sound and we want to bring them closer the diversity of the surrounding acoustic world. Every child should get involved in the drafting and receive expert assistance through the audio play writers and sound engineers Sina Ness and Mathias Karow. The Stories are created in the course of 3 months by the children - the voices and sounds of course come from the children themselves.

At the end of the project there will be a presentation of the results in the form of a public audio play performance.

Contact: Sina Ness

Founded by the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Berlin within the framework of the program "Future initiative district" part program "Social City - Investing in your future".



In unserem Kunstraum finden kuratierte Ausstellungen statt.
Das Spektrum unseres Projektraums reicht dabei von Malerei über Fotografie hin zu Skulptur, Installation und Multimediakunst.


Jason M. Benedict, Janka Meyer, Raiko Sánchez


Im Projektbüro der WerkStadt wird nicht nur die Verwaltungsarbeit des Kulturvereins getätigt, hier laufen auch die Fäden all unserer Projekte zusammen. Sei es der kuratierte Kunstrundgang ArtGrain, sei es der KinderKulturMonat oder das Körnerkino – von hier aus werden die Projekte des WerkStadt Kulturvereins konzipiert, elaboriert und organisiert.

so viele Ordner . . .

Chris Benedict