Emmanuele Gattuso

"Italy’s Emmanuele Gattuso whose work bridges lo-fi confessional songwriting, heavy industrial driven loops and electro-acoustic based electronic ambient into a singular, moody collection. Electronic whispers, ominous low-tone, smouldering static." (deepwhitesound.com)
"Slow-burn confessional. Six tracks of static wash, lo-frequency turbulence and somber lyrical interludes. Secrets from a ring modulator, the deep crush of emotional wreckage." (deepwhitesound.com)
"Emmanuele Gattuso's "Voices" is a further step into the artist's lo-fi world.
A journey started with the double issue "Beams" and "Plaything" (deepwhitesound, 2013) that marked the beginning of a new kind of experimental songwriting.
His new ep wanders into ambient and noise soundscapes, secrets whispered through ethereal vocals and ear scratching guitars, synthetic percussive breaks, a totalizing experience.
Produced by Emmanuele Gattuso and Raffaele Bassetti, artwork by Portland based artist oVo, "Voices" is the beginning of a promising collaboration with Belgian Hyphen Records.
Emmanuele Gattuso's discography is available on emmanuelegattuso.bandcamp.
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