For the opening of Vorspiel Transmediale an audio visual live performance will take place at WerkStadt on the 19.01.24 at 8 pm. „Feeling Fungal“ is about human and non-human alliances accomponied by a bio material study.
19.01.24, 8 pm
Emster Str. 124, 12051 Berlin
19.01.24 - 04.02.24
Free entry
After the performance, mycelium objects will be exhibited in plastic boxes in the WerkStadt art space for further two weeks. As the mushroom mycelium is a living organism, it will adapt to the conditions in the WerkStadt and continue to grow there.
Mushroom mycelium consists of an underground, interwoven network of fibres. Fruiting bodies emerge from these so-called hyphae, known as mushrooms. Fungal mycelium is currently the subject of major research. It opens up a discourse on non-human forms of existence as well as as a sustainable, living (building) material. In nature, fungal mycelium is responsible for decomposing organic waste and forming symbiotic relationships with plants and microorganisms.
Siamend Darwesh is a musician, sound artist and computer scientist.
Maria Kobylenko is a visual artist. One of her recurring themes is the investigation about phenomenological perception of the environment, particularly in relation to technological developments. The understanding about the interdependence of the human and the more-than-human, space and embodied experience is crucial to her practice.
Looking forward to see you!
Kindly supported by Bürgerstiftung Neukölln.
In unserem Kunstraum finden kuratierte Ausstellungen statt.
Das Spektrum unseres Projektraums reicht dabei von Malerei über Fotografie hin zu Skulptur, Installation und Multimediakunst.
Jason M. Benedict, Janka Meyer, Raiko Sánchez